Robert F. Kennedy
Democrats, Excelsior Award (March, 1997)
"Liberalism Resurgent is an amazing resource for anyone looking for
background information on liberal philosophy. We at the RFKDC were
so impressed by webmaster Steve Kangas' work that we asked permission
to use his Short FAQ on Liberalism on our own site. Liberalism
Resurgent describes itself as "a gateway to an entire arsenal of
liberal studies, statistics and state-of-the-art arguments that
refute their myths." Don't miss it!"
POLIS' Site of the Week (January,
People Link Featured Site (December
"Steve Kangas is NOT gonna take it anymore.
"He's a liberal. He's proud of it. He believes that liberalism
is not only key to the future of this Republic but that it is
closest to the national political culture and spirit. And he is
convinced that right-wingers have so denigrated liberalism that
his brothers and sisters of the liberal persuasion need a sharp
kick in the butt and a mega-site worth of solid information to
combat the right's lies. In providing both the kick and the information,
the California-based college student has built one of the Web's
most informative and useful sites for any progressive (even the
socialists he so adamantly disavows).
"The kick is administered frequently -- for example, Kangas
tells liberals that, if they don't protest when someone calls
them socialist, they don't know a thing about political science.
Except he's quite a bit sharper. This guy's a militant liberal
but he's not just throwing around rhetoric. On this simply navigated
site, there are near definitive FAQs (one short, the other longgggg)
on what Liberalism is all about and what liberals traditionally
stand for. Some elegant explanations of differences between liberalism
and other progressive thinking are included. And he makes the
critically important point that liberalism traditionally considers
unions vital to checking corporate abuses of power -- an idea
often lost on some contemporary liberal politicians.
"Those ideological clarifications made, Kangas then serves
up a dozen or so sections on many important issues, with plenty
of solid statistical information and citations to back up his
arguments. With facts and charts, he completely destroys the idea
that the Reagan Administration did anything other than screw up
everything in this country (and most of the world).
"And, in one of our favorite sections, he takes on the increasingly
prominent right-wing take on the Depression (that it was caused
by government intervention). In fact, he demonstrates, government
intervention is what got the country OUT of the depression and
that kind of intervention, he argues, must continue.
"And for the 'privatization' fans out there, he has an impressive
set of descriptions of government projects that worked and private
sector projects that failed miserably.
"This kind of ideological toughness could easily degenerate into
stridency but Kangas is a guy with wit and a twinkle in his cyber-eye.
At times, his knocks of opponents (and other liberals) had us
laughing out loud. He also has a quality too infrequently found
among progressives (ourselves included): he is very careful with
his information and never over-reaching with his arguments.
"People usually associate us with a brand of progressive
thinking other than liberalism and we're as proud of that as Steve
is of his badge. But history shows that liberalism is a political
tradition that is rich, well-intentioned, and often creative and
we agree with Steve: if you're a liberal, you should be proud
of it.
"His wonderful site should help give you a bit of swagger."
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