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Greetings, devils and peaceniks. After ten years of living in beautiful, sunny Santa Cruz, California, I recently moved
to Las Vegas for a lucrative job opportunity -- a huge mistake. There's nothing to do in Vegas but gamble, and I'm not a gambler. Not surprisingly, I am trying to move out of this desert hellhole back to that
gorgeous university town overlooking Monterey Bay. Wish me luck!
Personally, I'm into politics,
tournament-level chess, Santa Cruz's thriving coffee shops and bookstores, writing my
book on liberal politics, running children's chess clubs,
and movies of all types (Hollywood and foreign, young and old). I hope to make my site reflect
more of these interests in the future, but right now it's
all politics at the moment, because that's what I'm studying. Happy reading!
- Liberalism Resurgent: A Response to the Right --
This is my award-winning political site, which includes the long and short FAQs on Liberalism, the Reagan Years,
the Great Depression, Government Success Stories and Free Market Failures, and much, much more.
My goal is to turn this into a one-stop reference source for almost any common political arguments
you need.
- Help Fight the Right! -- Support Liberalism Resurgent.
- About Me
- My Resume -- I always keep an ear to the job market.
I welcome any and all comments concerning this web site. You can
reach me at: steve_kangas@hotmail.com.
Steve Kangas
Las Vegas, NV